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This hollow metal door design provides caregivers and authorized personnel the ability to access the patient’s room in emergency situations.

The main door behaves like a standard swinging patient room door, offering functionality and convenience. Additionally, the interior door is designed to open to the corridor, allowing quick and safe access for authorized personnel, ensuring patient protection and well-being.

At Fortis Doors, we understand the importance of safety and accessibility in healthcare environments, and our solutions are designed to meet the highest standards of quality and functionality.


  • 1-3/4″ thick.
  • Cold rolled steel face skin.
  • 16 gauge facial skin.
  • Construction of the perimeter channel.
  • Visible sewing edge design.
  • Door design with hand.
  • Maximum opening size, 4′ x 8′ (double) and 2′ x 8′ (single).
  • Factory Factory Applied Rust Inhibitor Primer Primer.
  • Fire rated at 90 or 180 minutes.
  • 12 to 14 gauge hinge reinforcement.


  • The patient room access door has the security and reliability needed for healthcare facilities, but is beautiful enough for healing environments. Intended to give caregivers or authorized personnel access to a patient’s room in an emergency and maintain the necessary security for the facility.
  • The main door has the functionality of a standard door in the patient’s room. The interior door can open to the hallway that provides authorized staffing to the patient’s room. Patient safety is a key feature in the door design.
  • Eased edges for safety.
  • Standard top stops for safety.
  • Astragal applied to the face of the door for privacy.


  • Cold rolled, A60 galvanized.
  • Rigid steel and fiberglass, or honeycomb core.
  • Lite door design in discharge or narrow.
  • Visible sewing edge design.
  • Face skin of 16 and 20.
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